Selected Exhibitions:
01/2024 “The Individual Below", with Franca Ravet and Mathieu Zurstrassen at BBAP, Brüssel
Installation views by Eddie Bonesire

11/2023 “Stand der Dinge", with Katherina Heil, qvartr Gallery, Hamburg

Group show "gute aussichten - junge deutsche fotografie" at PHOXXI / Haus der Photographie, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, 01.07.-24.09.2023
Intallation views by Henning Rogge, Hamburg

Duo show "Intangible Scopes" with Katherina Heil at Villa Heike, Berlin, 15.07.-23.07.2023.
Installation views by Katherina Heil

Group show "RSVP2" at Billytown Galerie, The Hague, 09.12.22-30.01.23
Installation views by Katherina Heil

Group show "CODED BODIES" at AFF Galerie, Berlin, 01.-30.10.22
Installation views by Lukas Heibges

Group show "gute aussichten - junge deutsche fotografie" at Landesmuseum Koblenz.

Duo show with Katherina Heil at Raum Linksrechts in Hamburg.

Group show "gute aussichten - junge deutsche fotografie" at Künstlerhaus Dortmund.

Group show "Analog Total" at Grassi Museum für angewandte Kunst, Leipzig.
Recent works of the series Silver Gelatin.